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  Alan Ladd's mother emigrated from England age 19. His accountant father died when he was four. At age five, he burned his apartment playing with matches, and his mother moved them to Oklahoma City. He was malnourished, undersized and nicknamed Tiny. His mother married a house painter who moved them to California--a la "The Grapes of Wrath"--when he was eight. He picked fruit, delivered papers, and swept stores. In high school he discovered track and swimming. By 1931 he was training for the 1932 Olympics, but an injury put an end to those plans. He opened a hamburger stand called Tiny's Patio, and later worked as a grip at Warner Brothers Pictures. He married his friend Midge in 1936, but couldn't afford her, so they lived apart. In 1937, they shared a friend's apartment. They had a son, Alan Ladd Jr., and his destitute alcoholic mother moved in with them, her agonizing suicide from ant poison witnessed a few months later by her son. His size and coloring were regarded as not right for movies, so he worked hard at radio, where talent scout and former actress Sue Carol discovered him early in 1939. After a string of bit parts in "B" pictures--and an unbilled part in Orson Welles' classic Citizen Kane (1941)--he tested for This Gun for Hire (1942) late in 1941. His fourth-billed role as psychotic killer Raven made him a star. He was drafted in January 1943 and discharged in November with an ulcer and double hernia. Throughout the 1940s his tough-guy roles packed audiences into theaters and he was one of the very few males whose cover photos sold movie magazines. In the 1950s he was performing in lucrative but unrewarding films (an exception being what many regard as his greatest role, Shane (1953)). By the end of the 1950s liquor and a string of so-so films had taken their toll. In November 1962 he was found unconscious lying in a pool of blood with a bullet wound near his heart. In January 1964 he was found dead, apparently due to an accidental combination of alcohol 演艺经历 1939年,前女演员苏·卡罗尔在电台发掘了艾伦·拉德,成为了他的经纪人,帮艾伦·拉德拍摄了第一部电影《RulersofTheSea》,另外让他出演了一些B级片1941年,艾伦·拉德出演由奥逊·威尔斯导演的电影《公民凯恩》,扮演了一个报社记者的角色,他在影片接近尾声时露面。同年,艾伦·拉德出演电影《ThisGunforHire》,扮演杀手雷文,这是他的第四个角色,出演这个角色使拉德成为明星。1942年,艾伦·拉德出演电影《JoanofParis》,在片中的角色引起了人们的注意,很快他被邀请出演电影中的许多小角色。同年,艾伦·拉德与维罗妮卡·莱克合作出演电影《StarSpangledRhythm》和《玻璃钥匙》。1943年1月,艾伦·拉德应征入伍,11月因溃疡和双疝退出。1945年,艾伦·拉德与维罗妮卡·莱克合作出演电影《Duffy'sTavern》。1946年,艾伦·拉德与维罗妮卡·莱克合作出演悬疑电影《蓝色大丽花》。1948年,艾伦·拉德与维罗妮卡·莱克合作出演电影《Saigon》。1953年,艾伦·拉德出演西部电影《原野奇侠》。1958年,艾伦·拉德与奥莉薇·黛·哈佛兰、儿子大卫·拉德合作出演西部剧情电影《义侠柔情》,扮演老兵约翰·钱德勒,带着失语的儿子来到北方求医。艾伦·拉德的最后一部电影是《TheCarpetbeggars》,在他死后于1964年上映。 个人生活 家庭背景艾伦·拉德,原名小艾伦·沃尔布里奇·拉德。父亲艾伦·拉德是一名自由职业会计师。母亲伊娜·罗利是英国人,来自达勒姆郡。拉德的父系的祖父母是加拿大人。父亲拉德去世后,母亲嫁给了一位油漆工吉姆·比弗斯,一家人搬到了北好莱坞的加利福尼亚州。艾伦的母亲在孙子出生后几个月就自杀了。感情生活1936年,艾伦·拉德和高中以来的恋人米琪结婚,但由于经济窘迫所以两人分居了。1937年,拉德夫妇共住进一个朋友的公寓,两人生下了一个儿子艾伦·拉德二世。1941年10月离婚。1942年3月15日,艾伦·拉德与苏·卡罗尔结婚,婚姻持续一直到艾伦·拉德去世,苏于1982年去世,享年72岁。两人有两个孩子:女儿艾伦娜·拉德、儿子大卫·拉德。健康状况1962年11月,艾伦·拉德被发现躺在血泊中,心脏附近有一处子弹伤,可能是企图自杀。1964年1月29日,艾伦·拉德患上了一种称为脑水肿的疾病,这种疾病是由于过度酗酒和药物依赖引起的。1964年1月29日,艾伦·拉德在他的棕榈泉家中被发现死亡,尸检结果表明:拉德服用了一种巴比妥酸盐、酒精和两种镇静剂,导致了脑水肿对中枢神经系统产生了致命的冲击,享年50岁。死后被安葬在加利福尼亚州格伦代尔的森林草坪公墓。 获奖记录 金球奖 1955第12届亨利埃塔奖-最受欢迎男演员(提名) 1954第11届亨利埃塔奖-最受欢迎男演员(获奖) 1954世界电影最受欢迎奖与罗伯特·泰勒一起(获奖) 金苹果奖 1950最合作演员(获奖) 1944最合作演员(获奖) 《现代电影》杂志 1954前十年最受欢迎的演员(获奖) 1945在读者中的人气调查名列第四(获奖) 1943在十二期刊物上刊登了16篇关于艾伦·拉德的故事(获奖) 《电影先驱报》 1950在影迷中受欢迎程度的民意调查名列第一(获奖) 1949在影迷中受欢迎程度的民意调查名列第一(获奖) 1948在影迷中受欢迎程度的民意调查名列第一(获奖) 1947在影迷中受欢迎程度的民意调查名列第十(获奖) 星光大道 1960-02-08在好莱坞-藤街1601号留星(获奖)





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