跟着Jaime来吐槽(待续 - 策驰影院


来源:人气:916更新:2022-10-17 02:33:33

1. Jaime:“Talking to Christine is like talking to a wall of plastic surgery” “Christine is as fake as her boobs” 我笑到不行了…对面那个顶着一对假胸和一张假脸的女人,使劲抓马:“我发誓我说的是实话,打死我也不承认我说谎了!” Jaime一脸委屈/嫌弃的表情属实有点可爱了

2. 一芳到底给了多少钱

3. Kane: “Christine谎说太多了,我甚至开始怀疑Gabe是不是royal血统了,Baby G是不是Prince了”(居然真的有人信)“Chiu was born in Taiwan and claims to be a direct descendant of the Song Dynasty emperors.”……赵匡胤:???

4. Kane’s Appartement 为什么中文字幕是 “熊猫的家”? 原来Kane是熊猫?
